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Every child deserves an opportunity

As the chair of the Education Committee in the Nebraska Legislature, I’ve always been a major believer in public schools. I believe firmly that every K-12 aged child in our state deserves access to a well-funded, competitive, safe education. I also believe that every family has unique needs and values in which a one-size-fits-all approach may not always be best. Because of this, I also support increasing school choice in the State of Nebraska.
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The Nagging Cough

“I’ve got this cough that just won’t go away,” my patient says, and I know this story all too well. Chronic cough, a cough that lasts more than two months, is a common ailment which in most cases is benign. But for the patient it is both bothersome and worrisome.
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Beware of False Spring

Beware of False Spring! Warmer weather and longer days are starting to show up, giving so many of us hope and excitement for the new growing season. Beware of “False Spring,” where the warm days can be followed by cold snaps and potential spring blizzards that will visit the region at some point in March and April.
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No man is an island

“No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” This is the beginning of a poem from 1624. In it, the poet John Donne appreciates how humans are all connected. Indeed, humans are social beings, and social connection is a factor in our health.
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Apply today for Nebraska Ag Youth Institute Outreach

LINCOLN – The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) is currently accepting applications to attend one of the biggest ag youth outreach events in the state. The Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI) brings together hundreds of high school juniors and seniors for a week to learn more about agriculture, Nebraska’s number one industry.
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Infrastructure investments pay dividends for Nebraska

In his 1954 State of the Union address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced his intention to “protect the vital interest of every citizen in a safe and adequate highway system.” Eisenhower claimed that the U.S. government must play central role in this task, advocating federal funding for an Interstate Highway System.