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Joint replacement surgery: an individualized decision

As a general internist who does primary care for adult and elderly patients, I talk to patients a lot about arthritis and joint replacement surgery. This type of surgery, also known as arthroplasty, is one of the most common types of elective surgery done in the United States. Knees, hips, and shoulders are the most frequently done arthroplasties, and most of those surgeries are done for severe osteoarthritis.
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Choose the right flour when baking

By Kathy Burr, Extension Agent The baking aisle at your local supermarket has grown to include a wide variety of flours. Flour is the finely-ground, sifted meal of grains, nuts, seeds, legumes or certain vegetables— each kind of flour has a different nutritional profile. The cooking and baking properties will vary by the type of flour you are using. The most common flours are milled from wheat, a Nebraska agriculture commodity. But today there are so many other choices says Nancy Frecks Nebraska Extension Food & Health Educator.
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Feeling winded?

“Well, doc,” the patient was telling me, “I get winded so easily now. I can hardly go to the mailbox without stopping to catch my breath. It did not used to be that way. Do you think something is wrong?”
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True self-care

During our most recent family movie night, we watched one of my favorites: Encanto. At one point in the movie, a character who has been gifted supernatural strength confesses that she fears she will crumble under the weight of all that is expected from her. Although she accomplishes amazing things, it never feels like enough. She never feels like she, herself, is enough.
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Electric vehicle mandates increase safety risks

On April 17, 2021, firefighters raced to extinguish a blaze in a suburb of Houston, Texas. A Tesla Model S crashed, killing two people, and burst into flames. The Woodlands Township Fire Department extinguished the fire. But shortly after, flames erupted again. They put it out a second time — only for the car to reignite once more. The fire chief compared the Tesla to “a trick birthday candle.” Once you blow it out, you never know when it will flare back up.

Laughter -- is it the best medicine?

We often hear the phrase Laughter is the Best Medicine. Whether it is the best medicine or not it does have benefi ts for everyone says Rhonda Herrick, 4-H Extension Educator in Kearney/ Franklin County. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain according to the Mayo Clinic.